Wednesday, March 13

March 11th and 12th - Days 10 and 11

chillin' at the Sapphire Inn on our first zero day
We decided to stay in Franklin, NC over night in a cheap motel that quickly turned into all of the group wanting to stay Sunday night and taking a zero on Monday. The first zero was pretty awesome. Before Monday, we had been hiking at least 12 miles a day for 8 days straight and we wanted to give our bodies some rest, plus it was about the 4th night that we had a crew of 7 people staying together and we wanted to keep it that way. Our zero day consisted of packing 8 people in a cheap motel room and watching movies all day. It was a good day of rest but I was excited to hit the trail the next morning.

headed to the Sapphire Inn (Franklin, NC). The free AT hiker shuttle service picked us up at the Winding Stair Gap trailhead
on our way to the NOC

It was going to be a tough day but we are starting to knock out 15 miles like its nothing and that's the goal. We beat everybody to Cold Spring Shelter and put our group of 7 in there. It wasn't too cold and we were all pretty cozy. All in all I'm loving the experience and the people I'm meeting are really cool.

the crew taking a break
Fresh Ground whipping up some Trail Magic
This is much better than my usual snickers, trail mix and dried mangos.
enjoying the Trail Magic
What a view!
Happy Trails!

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