Saturday, March 16

March 16th - Day 15

Today I took a zero at the Fontana Hilton. I woke up feeling pretty sick and didn't get any sleep last night so I decided to hang out at the shelter because it is free to stay the night and I had good company. We had a Trail Angel that hung out with us all weekend offering rides to town and giving us awesome food. Ross, Nickelodean, Super Fast Nate, and I got a ride to Robbinsville for a small resupply and Wendy's for lunch. All in all it was a very chill day with cool people. We will hit the Smokies tomorrow for sure.

On our way back from Robbinsville, NC. Ross and Fast Nate enjoying some fries. Wendy's hit the spot!

March 14th and 15th - Days 13 and 14

My hair is getting a bit unruly
Woke up after a nice hostel stay at the Nantahala Outdoor Center (NOC), always have to take advantage of a bed when it's available. I was excited to use the new watch all the grandparents gave me for the trail. We decided to push hard to make it to Fontana Dam, NC in 2 days which would consist of a 16 mile day and an 11 mile day. It didn't sound that bad. We were sad to hear that one of our group members we were with for a few nights was taking a zero and waiting for a friends. We said bye to G and went on. The first day was tough because we had a late start and we didn't get to the shelter until about 5:30. I was absolutely exhausted! The second day went by much faster and we got to Fontana Dam before 2:00. The shelter at Fontana Dam is super nice! They call it the "Fontana Hilton" because it sleeps 24 and is right on the lake.  Tomorrow we start the Smokies and are planning a 17 mile day. The terrain is very difficult but I want to push through it and see if my body can handle the miles. We found out that we are loosing another 2 people from the group today. Ross is taking a zero to let blisters heal and Tosh has to go home because of family problems. Ross is fast and will catch up with us soon but Tosh is going to be off for a couple of weeks and hopes to meet up with us in Virginia. The group is down to 4 but we're all still motivated to make it to Katahdin.

Driving to pick up the package that Mama sent me. Some random guy that picked us up while hitch hiking gave Ross the keys to his car so we could drive to Fontana Lodge to get my box. Nice guy but kind of sketch.

Resupply box from Mama and Pop. I'm sure it's full of real good stuff    

the "Fontana Hilton" at first day light

Wednesday, March 13

March 13th - Day 12

We headed to the NOC today. It was an easier day since we were only hiking 11.7 miles. Wito Pancho and Wita Maria drove up here to bring me some more food and supplies. I was looking forward to seeing them! They brought me a great watch too. All the Witos pitched in. It's awesome! Thanks Wito Pepe, Wita Maria Elena, Wito Pancho and Wita Maria. I can't wait try it out on the trail tomorrow. We checked into the NOC hostel and then the Witos invited the "Magnificent 7" to lunch. We ate so much!

the "Magnificent 7" + the Witos at Nantahala Outdoor Center. Thanks for an awesome lunch Wito!

March 11th and 12th - Days 10 and 11

chillin' at the Sapphire Inn on our first zero day
We decided to stay in Franklin, NC over night in a cheap motel that quickly turned into all of the group wanting to stay Sunday night and taking a zero on Monday. The first zero was pretty awesome. Before Monday, we had been hiking at least 12 miles a day for 8 days straight and we wanted to give our bodies some rest, plus it was about the 4th night that we had a crew of 7 people staying together and we wanted to keep it that way. Our zero day consisted of packing 8 people in a cheap motel room and watching movies all day. It was a good day of rest but I was excited to hit the trail the next morning.

headed to the Sapphire Inn (Franklin, NC). The free AT hiker shuttle service picked us up at the Winding Stair Gap trailhead
on our way to the NOC

It was going to be a tough day but we are starting to knock out 15 miles like its nothing and that's the goal. We beat everybody to Cold Spring Shelter and put our group of 7 in there. It wasn't too cold and we were all pretty cozy. All in all I'm loving the experience and the people I'm meeting are really cool.

the crew taking a break
Fresh Ground whipping up some Trail Magic
This is much better than my usual snickers, trail mix and dried mangos.
enjoying the Trail Magic
What a view!
Happy Trails!

Tuesday, March 12

March 10th - Day 9

Shout out to these guys for getting me past the 100 mile mark earlier today. Only 2,075 miles to go. #yee

Sunday, March 10

March 8th - Day 7

Woke up in Matt's lake house smelling bacon. I was super excited to have a good breakfast before the long day that was ahead. We started at Dick's Creek Gap in Hiawassee, GA at 2,675 ft elevation and were planning to end the day at Muskrat Creek Shelter which was at 4,580 ft elevation. The day was going to be tough but after a good night of sleep and some real food in my belly I was ready to take it on. We got to the shelter and met up with a good group of hikers that are more our age. We met Tosh, Lucky, G, Gummi, and Rubic, all trail names. I kind of ditched the trail name No Rush and everyone just calls me Panch. I like Panch better. Ross, Michael, Matt, and I are in a bubble of hikers we see everyday now. We are all starting to get pretty close and it is making the whole experience that much better. I still miss the older hikers like Blue Moon and Dixie but I'm sure they're knocking out miles at their own pace having fun.

made it to NC

shelter life at Muskrat Creek Shelter, NC