Sunday, April 7

April 1st - Day 31

Ross, Ben, and I were planning on leaving relatively early to head for Cherry Gap Shelter from the hostel we stayed at the night before in Erwin, Tennessee. Leaving towns early has proven to be a difficult task because we always leave things for the last minute and it seems like I have a thousand things to do before I go. We left at almost 11:00 which was no where near the early departure we were hoping for but we were going to do a 17.5 mile day so we knew we would at least make it by dark. We are close to Damascus, Virginia and we want to get there as soon as possible. We are doing higher mileage days to get there in about a week or so. The day went by well. I am starting to feel like I'm getting in better shape and we had great weather.

crazy to think I slept in there, Cherry Gap Shelter TN

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