Monday, March 25

March 25th - Day 24

I knew I was going to have a late start because I still needed to resupply with the things Mom brought me and I hadn't done it the day before. I woke up and had mom pick me up to get my stuff together. We had breakfast and went to the hotel where I took way to long figuring out what I wanted. After saying bye to Mom and the grandparents I was off to a very late start (around 1:00 PM). It was only an 11 mile day so I wasn't worried. All morning it was snowing a little in Hot Springs which meant it was going to get worst as I went up in the mountains. It snowed on me all day and it really picked up as I was about 2 miles from the shelter. I got in at around 5:00 PM. I thought for sure I was going to have to tent in the snow but they made room for me in the shelter. We currently have 7 people in a 5 person shelter so we are very cozy (if that's what you want to call it).

1 comment:

Alex Thomas said...

Keep on trekking